The mission of Central Christian Academy is to glorify God through the training and nurturing of students in their spiritual, academic, physical, emotional, and social development. This is achieved through a Christ-centered education based on biblical truths, leading to Godly character which will impart wisdom, knowledge, love, and a Christian worldview, that will impact our world for Christ.
Central Christian Academy seeks to lead students to faith in Jesus Christ and to develop young men and women who adhere to a Biblical worldview, prepared to participate as godly members of home, church and community.
Central Christian Academy is a ministry of Central Baptist Church in Martin, Tennessee. It launched in the fall of 2014 with a K4, K5 program and 1st & 2nd grade with 9 students.
Over the years, the school has continued to grow with classes now from K4 through 12th grade.

The education of our children and youth is an awesome responsibility that every Christian parent must be willing to assume. Remember that children are God’s homework assignment to parents. Psalm 127:5 states that when a parent has successfully completed his homework assignment, “he will not be ashamed, but shall speak with the enemies in the gate.” Oswald Chambers stated this about this verse:
“Have I been able to reproduce my own kind spiritually? If so, in a time of difficulty I will be brought through magnificently victorious; but woe be to the spiritual man who never produced his own kind, when the difficulties come, there is none to assist, he is isolated and lonely.”
Many Christian parents are becoming increasingly concerned about their children’s education with each passing day. The violence that seems to be growing in society, especially in our youth, is causing great alarm. Too often, the first and sometimes only question that parents are asking is, “where should I send my child to school?” Should they go to Christian, home, private or public schools?
Too often this question leads to heated debates. Since God’s Word does not address the “where” question directly, anyone’s position can be justified and rationalized. At the same time, the next generation continues in a moral tailspin, seemingly out of control. In too many cases, where they are attending school doesn’t seem to make a difference. This is because, as Christian parents, we are not following biblical principles when it comes to the education of our children and youth.
The debate must never be about “where should Christians send their children to school?” The debate needs to be about “how does God want Christians to educate their children?” It is not about “Christian” vs. “public” schools. It is about “biblical education” vs. “secular education.” You have just been presented and, hopefully, have given careful attention to ten biblical principles on the education of children and youth. These ten principles must be followed fully if we are going to fulfill the definition of Kingdom education given earlier.
There are an estimated 20-25 million children and youth from church families. This huge number represents a tremendous potential for a powerful spiritual army, if they are educated and enter into adult life knowing God and thinking and acting from a biblical worldview. If we earnestly apply these principles to the education of our children, the “where” question will be more accurately answered and the potential to capture the next generation and their world for Christ can become a reality.
- Kingdom education is defined as the life-long, Bible-based, Christ-centered process of leading a child into a new identity with Christ, developing him/her according to his/her specific abilities given to him/her by Christ, so that a child would be empowered to live a life characterized by love, trust and obedience to Christ. The ultimate goal of Kingdom education is to develop a mature disciple of Jesus Christ whose life glorifies God.
- Courage – a display of brave action in a dangerous or difficult situation (Joshua 1:6; Acts 28:15) The Bible teaches that all who live the way Christ wants them to live will face persecution. (2 Timothy 3:12) Jesus taught that the deception of the latter days will be powerful. (Matthew 24) The Bible also wants that there will be a great falling away in the last days. (2 Thess. 2:3) Many of the spiritual leaders of the latter days will conform to the world to avoid persecution and have a lifestyle of leisure. A courageous spiritual leader must spend much time in the Word of God and prayer. He must put on the whole armor of God to stand in the evil day. (Eph. 6:13).
- Honesty – when a person is committed to always being truthful (1 Timothy 2:2; 3:7; Titus 2:7) The Bible says that we are to speak the truth in love. (Eph. 4:15) Every Christian should be committed to always speaking the truth. There will be times when it appears that speaking the truth will do much damage, and it may appear that telling a lie will help matters. This is always Satan’s trap. He is the father of all lies. (John 8:44)
- Love – unconditional affection that humans cannot have with a relationship with God (1 Cor. 13)
The humanist definition of love is rooted in tolerance and the freedom to do whatever they want. We are reminded to love others the way Christ loves us. That is a tall order, but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. (Phil. 4:13) John taught that if we say we love God while hating others, we are lying. (1 John 4:20) We must confess our sins quickly to stay in good fellowship with God. (1 John 1:9) We must also have a forgiving spirit towards others, or Satan will take advantage of us. (2 Cor. 2:11) - Service – to minister to the needs of others (Mark 10:45)
Humanists focus on meeting the social needs of others with no emphasis on serving God. Jesus taught his disciples the secret to greatness in the kingdom of God in Mark 10:35-45. The key is to be a servant of all. Satan can do much damage in a church when the leaders do not serve. To avoid this, we must make it a way of life to serve God and serve people. The only way to do this is to have a genuine relationship with Jesus and obey Him. He loves people, and He will help us to love people when we give Him the reigns of our lives. - Competency – the ability to get the job done efficiently and with quality (2 Timothy 2:15)
Humanist pride themselves that they can do anything they desire. They greatly overestimate the potential of humans and ignore the depravity of humanity. Spiritual leaders must press on to please Christ by being obedient. We cannot be satisfied with mediocrity. The great need of these last days is for men of God to walk with God and to challenge all believers to be totally unsatisfied with casual Christianity. - Optimism – hopeful and confident about the future (Joshua 1:9)
Many modern humanists are not very optimistic about the future of the earth and humanity. At Central Christian Academy, we believe the return and ultimate reign of Jesus Christ will is the blessed hope (Titus 2:11-14).
While Central Christian Academy is an outreach to the community and offers educational opportunity to families seeking a better education for their children, Central Christian Academy is a Baptist based school.
Statement Outline:
I. The Scriptures
• II. God
• III. Man
• IV. Salvation
• V. God’s Purpose of Grace
• VI. The Church
• VII. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
• VIII. The Lord’s Day
• IX. The Kingdom
• X. Last Things
• XI. Evangelism and Missions
• XII. Education
• XIII. Stewardship
• XIV. Cooperation
• XV. The Christian and the Social Order
• XVI. Peace and War
• XVII. Religious Liberty
• XVIII. The Family
Download complete Statement of Faith